Google is getting ready for mobile-first indexing

Google has noticed that more people use their mobile phone to complete a search in the search engine, and has decided to prioritise the mobile experience moving forward.

They are going to now index the mobile version of your site first, where typically they would look at the desktop version of your site.

Read about it here:

What can you do to make sure that you aren’t caught out by this change in Google?

Ensure that your website is mobile responsive

A mobile responsive site is now the industry standard, as you can potentially be losing around 50% of your websites traffic if you do not cater for mobile users.

Your website should be able to deliver your landing pages on all mobile operating systems (the two biggest being iOS and Android) in a quick and efficient manner, as page loading speeds are about to be brought in as a new ranking signal for Google.

If your website isn’t mobile responsive, get in contact with us today.


Have a Focus on user experience (UX) for mobile

As the percentage of people using their mobile phones to access your website increases, you should ensure that they are having an enjoyable experience on your website.

Typically, you will find that mobile users have a shorter attention span that people using a desktop or tablet device. This means when they are looking for something it needs to be readily available.

Your website should be easy to use and navigate on a mobile device, with content being presented in an easy to ready manner. This will help the users get the information they are looking for and give them a better experience so they are more likely to return in the future.


If you have any questions about the future of your website or digital marketing, give us a call on 1300 663 305